Goal: Making Water a Priority

Countries around the globe are facing a growing gap between the amount of clean water they can reliably supply and the amount they need.Alarmingly, by 2030, water supplies are expected to meet only about 60% of global demand. This is the reason why today the water and water treatment industry (comprising of water treatment systems, effluent treatment plants, sewage treatment plants and water recycling) is a booming industry. The global Water and Wastewater Treatment market is valued at 4950 million US$ In 2018 is expected to reach 6520 million US$ by the end of 2025.


Our Areas of Focus:

 As the population continues to grow, it places a lot of pressure on water supplies and wastewater management. As a result, there is a need for more professionals, but traditional on the job training doesn’t suffice. This is because it isn’t always safe to train them for emergency situations and can take a long time for them to grasp the skills.

It’s a global challenge and immersive learning solutions can provide multiple scenarios where users can operate machinery, perform emergency procedures, and interact with the virtual water plant, in a safe and cost-effective manner. VR has the ability to not only immerse users into a fully interactive and realistic space, but to also train an individual’s muscle memory which is far more effective than learning from pen and paper.

 Here are some of the benefits we will reap…

Can you imagine even a single day without water? Neither can we, therefore, XR2LEAD is taking part in these initiatives…